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Introducing a new series: Real Nihongo and Real Eigo!
Learning a new language requires energy, patience, and consistency. Every language learner’s goals and motivations are different and...

Japan Bound: Experience
Introduction The Japan Bound initiative was created by GPI US to bridge the gap between students in Japan and the United States. Through...

Content-Based Instruction (CBI): A win-win for English-language learners
Whether physically attending college or university in an English-speaking country, or taking classes online with learners from all over...

COVID-19 Response
As an education company with an international focus, we have been closely following the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 continues to...

San Francisco – A City of Transformation
This blog post was created by GPI US’ San Francisco office. San Francisco has long been a city of importance in the US and the world. As...

June was Pride Month!
In our global education programs, we love to celebrate and educate our participants about diversity, particularly that which exists in...

Homestay Programs with GPI US Seattle
This blog post was created by GPI US’ Seattle office. In Seattle, we just wrapped up our spring season! Seattle has been best known for...

4 Things to Think About Before Your GPI US Study Abroad Program
Are you visiting the United States on a GPI US program this spring? Whether you are traveling abroad for the first time or you are a...

Global Empowerment Mindset Program at UCLA
This past summer, GPI US had the opportunity to welcome 7 different high school groups from Japan to the beautiful city of Los Angeles to...
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